
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Asperger’s Disorder (now ASD), is a complex developmental disorder that describes children with social communication/ interaction difficulties and restricted interests and/ or repetitive behaviours. Sensory issues are also a feature of ASD. No two ASD children are alike. No specific cause has been identified but there appears to be strong evidence to suggest a genetic link. It’s best to diagnose a child within the first 3 years of their life as early intervention is considered most effective in teaching children social cues, social skills, social problem solving, emotion regulation, and providing them with tools to help them transition into school.








• Lack of eye contact
• Lack of smiling or gesturing
• Not responding to their name being called
• Focused on specific toys
• Lining up toys
• Not noticing other children
• Anxiety / anger as a result of change in routine
• Not interacting with their peers
• Lack of initiation and reciprocity in social relationships
• Rigidity
• Routines and rituals
• Repetitive behaviours
• Restricted interests
• Sensory sensitivity

Wishing Wellness has a sister clinic, ‘Spectrum Autism Clinic’ with practitioners that assess and diagnose ASD in both children and adolescents. The clinic is DSS/FaHCSIA funded to ensure the highest level of care and support for both children and their families requiring early intervention and support for ASD. Spectrum Autism Clinic uses ‘gold-standard’ assessments to diagnose and formulate individual therapy plans for each child/ adolescent. Furthermore, adolescent groups, and social skills groups for children are a major focus at both the Wishing Wellness and Spectrum Autism Clinics.